Positive Pay
Check Positive Pay
Check fraud is a common type of identity theft that can happen in a variety of different ways-including forgery, illegally printing checks, and even thieves using chemicals to alter checks. Citizens First Bank offers Check Positive Pay, within our Business eBanking service, to help you reduce your potential exposure to check fraud.
Key Features:
- Reduced risk of potential fraud
- Access to many exception types, including:
- Checks paid not on issue file
- Checks paid with duplicate serial numbers
- Checks with a paid amount differing from the issue file
- Checks with differing payee name
- Stale-dated checks
- Stop-Payment checks
- View image of front and back of each exception item
- Early-morning email alerts notifying you of check exceptions requiring your attention
ACH Positive Pay
ACH fraud occurs when an account is accessed for unauthorized ACH payments or withdrawals. Citizens First Bank offers ACH Positive Pay to help mitigate the risk of ACH fraud. ACH Positive Pay gives your business peace of mind to know that you can monitor ACH activity to either pay or return items before they post to your business checking accounts.
Key Features:
- Reduced risk of potential fraud
- Ability to set up a list of approved vendors that are paid automatically
- Ability to block all ACH debits presented to your account
- Early-morning email alerts notifying you of ACH activity on your account
Contact a cash management representative at CashManagement@MyCitizensFirst.com for more information today!